IMG 4715 - The Swedish Concept For joy and success Be creative with the letters of the alphabet - C for Curiosity!

Be creative with the letters of the alphabet – C for Curiosity!

Be creative with the letters of the alphabet! Every week we will provide you with exercises that represents each letter of the alphabet. The goal of this challenge is to bring a sense of purpose to your exercise and ride with intention, having the particular word in mind. The exercises can be executed in many different ways. Try to be open-minded!

A horse that is curious is listening, open to learning and able to apply his mental and emotional reasoning skills. Your horse may be interested in things flying by or trees rustling but not tense up and prepared to escape. Teaching your horse to be curious allows new situations to be faced without fear and getting into fight or flight, but with open emotional and mental awareness.

Curiosity also applies to you as a rider, when you approach new situations with a curious and open mind, it will transfer to your horse.

Explore this exercise with curiosity in mind, and maybe you’ll find new ways to do things.

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