
Get out of the circle – and be creative!

Get out of your comfort zone, think outside the box, “get out of the circle”… a dear child has many names… The concept “Creative Riding” is all about that, to give you new ideas and help you change old patterns and routines, give you new perspectives and inspiration for your daily training.

Have fun to stay motivated.

In our opinion many riders are stuck in that same “circle”, only for maintaining a perfect frame of their horse, and never use other exercises which could have achieved faster and better results. We have discovered there are no limitations in how you can vary your training, and we want to give you the tools so that you can explore the world of exercises and get a kick start for your own creativity.

Our observation is that most riders don’t have a plan when they enter the arena. Instead of  keeping the same routine, which normally includes warming up, walking, trotting and some cantering, you can have so much more fun. If you get a variation in your training and have a plan for your next riding session, you will have a better outcome of your training.

Have a plan.

When you enter the arena it’s useful to have a plan. What you do today will give you results tomorrow. If you plan your training for the whole week, you will have much greater results at the end of the week. It doesn’t matter if you’re aiming to make a nice shoulder in, at the end of the month or riding the next olympics. One thing we all have in common when it comes to making a successful plan, is routines, sub targets and main goals. We will speak more about how to make a successful plan in our following blogs.

“Creative Riding” book series – a tool box

How can I motivate my horse if he seems bored? How can I make my horse more supple if he is rigid? Even the best riders can have a hard time finding inspiration.  “Creative Riding” exercises will be your best friend when you run out of ideas. The exercises in our books are like a toolbox to use when needed. As you become a more experienced rider you will become more creative and find out new ideas yourself.

Have fun and ride with a smile!

Creative Riding Team

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