IMG 5580 - The Swedish Concept For joy and success Be creative with the letters of the alphabet - I for Intention!

Be creative with the letters of the alphabet – I for Intention!

Be creative with the letters of the alphabet – I for Intention!

Focusing only on your goals and resolutions could be disappointing if they are not achieved at the intended time. That does not mean you shouldn’t have goals, but if you also have an intention as to how you will achieve your goals, you will likely have better results.

An intention don’t have an end date or is connected to one specific thing, it’s a way of being and moving through life. An intention is hard to measure because it has no endpoint.

Connect every goal with an intention. For example: The goal is to have 5 clear rounds by the end of the summer. Instead, you could focus and paying attention to what’s happening with the horse underneath you every time you ride. To that intention there’s no endpoint and no bar to be met to be able to succeed.

With the intention you will have immediate success and in the long run become more satisfied. Try this exercise with an intention. For example to work on shortening and lengthening the strides or straightness across the poles. Focus on the intention and not the results.

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