IMG 5238 - The Swedish Concept For joy and success Be creative with the letters of the alphabet - G for Goals!

Be creative with the letters of the alphabet – G for Goals!

Be creative with the letters of the alphabet! Every week we will provide you with exercises that represents each letter of the alphabet. The goal of this challenge is to bring a sense of purpose to your exercise and ride with intention, having the particular word in mind. The exercises can be executed in many different ways. Try to be open-minded!

We all know that goal setting is important, but we often don’t realize how important they are as we continue to move trough life. There are many benefits and advantages to having a set of goals to work towards. Setting goals helps trigger new behaviors, guide your focus and sustain that momentum in life. To be able to achieve the goal you set up increases your self- efficacy and motivation, which makes it easier to set new and perhaps bigger goals.

In this exercise we invite you to practice goal setting. Start small and with a goal that is easy to achieve. Decide what you want to achieve for this particular riding session. For example your horse to be aligned, to approach the poles straight in the middle or ride a natural flowing route where you use all the poles in the exercise.

And don’t forget to have fun on the way!

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